Smoall - Calendar


Who does what, where, when, with whom, for which client?

At a glance, you’ll find the answers on Smoall’s schedule The optimal planning of your resources

Resource calendar

In Smoall’s schedule, centralize your team calendars and spot calendar conflicts. At a glance, check the availability of your equipment. Without further effort, events connect with customers to maintain the memory of your business.

Smoall - Calendar
Logo Smoall Synchronization
Google Calendar - Smoall version
ICal - Smoall version
Microsoft Exchange - Smoall version
3points - Smoall version
Smoall - Timesheet


Tick, tick, tick… time goes by and the costs related to it accumulate. By measuring your working time and that of your employees, you will be able to record the actual effort per project and customer. You re-charge those hours with a single click.

Logo Smoall Synchronization
Toggl - Smoall version
3points - Smoall version