
Smoall - Operational documents

Operational documents

Generate your operational documents in one click !

A purchase order, a delivery note, a road map, a proforma invoice, …
Organize your operations simply

Setting up of templates

Thanks to a “template creator”, you compose the structure of your operational documents with the elements of your choice: a map, a list, a note, a picture, … You then generate your documents from the starting from the client, project, estimate, invoice, …

Smoall - Docops builder
Smoall - Delivery note

E.g.: Delivery note

You often send goods to your customers. In that case you need delivery notes. These will include the list of the delivered goods, the shipping address and the delivery address. You could also add a box for the signature of your client.

E.g.: Work order

You manage teams remotely and you need to describe the work to be done in a structured way. You will need a work order. These will include for example the map of destination, technical pictures, a description of the tasks and the list of needed equipment …

Smoall - Work order