Smoall - Purchase invoices


Control your purchases in real time

Centralize your purchase documents in Smoall
Control the documents, follow their payment and prepare the information for the accountant

Collecting the purchase invoices

All roads lead to Smoall !

Whatever the sender or the arrival channel of your purchase invoices (paper, picture, e-mail, …) Smoall centralizes them all and prepares the subsequent control and processing.

Smoall-collecting purchase invoices
Smoall-Payment control of purchase invoices

Payment control

Did you pay all your suppliers ?

By importing your bank transactions, the payments and purchase invoices are automatically reconciled. By checking regularly the due balances, you avoid positive or negative surprises when receiving the accounting figures.

Purchase control

From Smoall’s inbox, you will (semi)automatically recreate the metadata of the purchase invoices. Your PDF-files finally speak! You can then follow the purchasing reporting in real time and calculate the key profitability points of your business.

Smoall-management of purchase invoices
smoall-purchase documents to the accountant

Transfer to your accountant

Did you pay all your suppliers? At the end of the (monthly or quarterly) accounting period, you send all your accounting documents (including the purchase invoices) in a few clicks to your accountant. You also have an overview of all the transfers.

Logo Smoall Synchronization
Google drive - Smoall version
Icloud - Smoall version
Onedrive - Smoall version
Dropbox - Smoall version
Mail - Smoall version
Skwarel - Smoall version
Winbooks Connect - Smoall version
3points - Version smoall