Smoall - Collaboration with the accountant

Accountant Collaboration

Your account is getting “digitalized”… This is good news !

Smoall offers you all the tools to collaborate with your accountant
Do not make him encode the information you already have

Smoall - Collaboration with the accountant
smoall - accounting drop


You produce sales invoices and receive purchase invoices. You retrieve information from banks and other social documents. You manage all the accounting documents that arrive in dribs and drabs in Smoall. At the end of the accounting period, after verification of the documents and various management controls, you send all the accounting documents to your accountant.

Efff – UBL

You produce sales invoices and receive purchase invoices in Smoall. So, you have all the information in a structured way. Let your accountant take advantage of this by providing him “UBL – Efff” files. A UBL-file is coupled with a pdf-file and conveys its financial content. Your accountant “encodes” your pdf file automatically.

smoall - UBL Efff
Smoall - Accounting Export

Smoall export and accounting upload

If necessary, you complete the information sent to your accountant by exports from Smoall: client export, billing export, … Your accountant can use it for possible checks and download it in his accounting software. Smoall produces exports of different formats: simple csv format and your accountant’s software format (Winbooks, Sage, Popsy, Kluwer Expert/M Plus …).

Logo Smoall Synchronization
Mail - Smoall version